TASTE at Artmonte-carlo
28 - 30 April 2017
When TASTE participated in Artmonte-carlo in 2017, the focus was on ceramics with TASTE presenting innovative new work by internationally recognised ceramic artists Alison Britton, Philip Eglin, Babs Haenen, Anne Marie Laureys, Johannes Nagel, Aneta Regel and Marit Tingleff.
Also in 2017, artists who previously exhibited with Taste at both Artgenéve and Artmonte-carlo, were selected for an exhibition entitled 'Objets, Mes Amis', curated by Martine Bedin.
Taste at Artmonte-carlo 2017 [left to right] Anne Marie Laureys, Alison Britton, Johannes Nagel, Marit Tingleff, Babs Haenen, Philip Eglin, and Aneta Regel.
Work by [left to right] Philip Eglin, Johannes Nagel, Babs Haenen and Aneta Regel.
Work by [left to right] Anne Marie Laureys and Alison Britton.
Artists who exhibited at Artmonte-carlo 2017
Taste stand
Alison Britton
Philip Eglin
Babs Haenen
Anne Marie Laureys
Johannes Nagel
Aneta Regel
Marit Tingleff